Research Institute of Natural and Technological Sciences (GTMTI) is a vibrant academic hub dedicated to conducting interdisciplinary research in areas critical to our planet’s future. Our mission is to advance knowledge in sustainable energy, climate change, biodiversity, human health, and more, through fundamental and applied research. Join us in creating a sustainable future and fostering an open academic culture. Discover GTMTI – where science meets society’s needs.
Recent news
Trieste – Transform4Europe week
From June 5-9, the European University Alliance “Transform4Europe” week will take place in Trieste (Italy). Students from all levels are invited to participate in the event, and registration is available online until April 30th. Travel and accommodation expenses will be covered by the alliance. More information can be found here.
Vytautas Magnus University became an ORCID member
Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) became a member of ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) organization. This is a non-profit organization that aims to create a permanent registry of unique identifiers for researchers and a means to link these identifiers with research activities and outcomes. More information can be found here.
Inviting you to take advantage of discounts on article publication fees.
The Article Processing Charges (APC) are fees paid to publishers to make articles freely accessible online. The fee can be covered by the publication’s author, institution, science-funding organizations, private sponsors, and benefactors. University authors can publish in open-access journals without paying the APC. More information can be found here.
Announcing the 2023 LMA Young Scientist Scholarships competition
The 2023 competition for the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Young Scientist Scholarships is announced. Applications will be accepted from April 12 to May 12, 2023. Along with the application form, the title of the ongoing project and the planned research activities must be provided. More information can be found here.
Baltic geneticists gathered at VDU
From March 22-24, 2023, Vytautas Magnus University hosted the 8th Baltic Genetics Congress (VIII BGC). The main aim of the congress was to bring together scientists from Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania who are involved in various fields of genetics research. More information can be found here.
Nanostruktūrinė vandens technologija – naujas įrankis kovojant su mastitu ir didinant pieno ūkių efektyvumą
Projektas „Nanostruktūrinės vandens technologijos panaudojimas pienininkystės ūkiuose aukštos veislinės vertės karvių mastito prevencijai, produktyvumo didinimui ir bandų genetinio potencialo gerinimui“ siekia inovatyviai spręsti vieną didžiausių pienininkystės sektoriaus iššūkių – mastito prevenciją bei gydymą. Projekto metu buvo išbandyta ir diegiama nanostruktūrinė vandens technologija, kurios taikymas leido pasiekti reikšmingų rezultatų gyvulių sveikatos gerinimo bei ūkių produktyvumo srityse. Vienas iš pagrindinių projekto pasiekimų – 100 proc. efektyvumas kovojant su mastito sukėlėjais, nenaudojant tradicinių gydymo metodų, tokių kaip antibiotikai. Šis sprendimas ne tik pagerino karvių sveikatą, bet ir reikšmingai padidino jų produktyvumą, teigiamai paveikdamas pieno kokybę. Šie rezultatai buvo pastebėti ūkiuose, kur buvo taikoma… Read More »Nanostruktūrinė vandens technologija – naujas įrankis kovojant su mastitu ir didinant pieno ūkių efektyvumą